
Plan a Media Event

A media event can be a great way to get your message out to local press about the importance of water safety. Here are 7 steps to plan a successful media event:

  1. Choose and secure your venue date. Some ideas include the YMCA, library, town hall, or city or council building.
  2. Choose and secure a speaker who will attract the local media. Think politician, legislator, mayor, athlete, or local celebrity.
  3. Draft an invitee list. Some ideas include local organizations; pool operators; swim clubs; schools; camps; and pool, spa and hot tub professionals.
  4. Create a local media list and send invitations via emails, texts, and phone calls.
  5. Obtain sponsor funding.
  6. Order refreshments.
  7. Order and plan consumer giveaways.
Pool & Hot Tub Alliance Strategic Partners:
  • Biolab
  • Fluidra
  • Hayward
  • Heritage Pool Supply Group
  • Lyon Financial
  • Pentair
  • Solenis
  • WatkinsWellness
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