
Water Safety Fair

Host a Water Safety Fair

A water safety fair can be the perfect venue to get your local community more involved in the safe enjoyment of water. Here are 6 steps to plan a successful water safety fair:

  1. Choose a venue. Some ideas include a water park, retail store, public or community pool, YMCA, library, or city or council building.
  2. List possible participants: fire department, police department; pool, spa and hot tub industry professionals; community hospitals; YMCA; park district; county health officials; and lifeguards/recreation center staff.
  3. Send invitations asking people to participate. Explain the importance of the event and why it can help elevate the importance of water safety in the local community. Then ask potential participants if they can give a water safety demonstration or bring a relevant display that could excite the attendees.
  4. Get sponsors to bring their relevant products and support the event or charge a nominal fee to attendees to cover event expenses and provide low-cost consumer safety brochures and entertainment. 
  5. Confirm participants and partners. Plan the event details.

Promote the event. Email invitations and reminders with time and date so interested attendees can put it on their calendars, contact local media outlets, create flyers and posters to post in local community buildings and create an event invitation on Facebook. Ask your participants to promote the event as well. Remember to also promote event giveaways and entertainment

Pool & Hot Tub Alliance Strategic Partners:
  • Biolab
  • Fluidra
  • Hayward
  • Heritage Pool Supply Group
  • Lou
  • Lyon Financial
  • Pentair
  • Solenis
  • WatkinsWellness
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